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Een grote steengoed baardmankruik met een wapen- en twee portretmedaillons, Frechen, Duitsland, gedateerd 1603 en 1605

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 32 cm

The coat of arms on the front is that of the 'von der Leyen' family.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some restoration to the handle, which is completely oversprayed. It appears that the handle is quasi complete, but was detached from the body and had one or more internal fractures as well. The 'tail' below the handle likely lacking and remodelled. A faint glaze crack extending on the left from the lower end of the handle.
- Some superficial wear throughout.
- Mostly along the lower part, a number of discoloured sections from baking.


Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 4.590