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Een Chinese warmhoudkom met Shou-karakters in Peking email, Qianlong

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 17 cm - H.: 7,5 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 15,5 cm (the saucer)
L.: 6,5 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the cup)
H.: 14 cm (the complete set)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in very good condition with some typical tension lines and some retouchings just above the base rim.
- The support in quasi excellent condition, with a few small spots of retouching.
- The cup with some overspraying around the rim and continue to the handle.
- The saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a few small spots of retouching to the rim.

- 碗品相非常好,几处典型的裂纹,圈足上部分一些补彩痕迹。
- 支撑架近乎全品,几处小的补彩修复。
- 杯子口沿一圈喷漆,一直延续到手柄处。
- 碟子近乎全品,口沿处几个小的补彩修复痕迹。