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Een Chinese driedelige dekselterrine in Canton email met blauwe fondkleur, Qianlong

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

L.: 25 cm - H.: 16,5 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl generally in very good condition, with a small section overprayed and overpainted above the foot rim.
- The inner bowl generally in very good condition, with a few minor touch-ups to the rim.
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with some normal slight wear.

- 碗整体品相非常良好,圈足上侧一处小的区域有喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 内碗整体品相非常良好,口沿几处小的补彩痕迹。
- 盖子近乎全品,轻微磨损。