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Collection variée de disques de typr 'bi' et de pendentifs en jade, Chine, 1er av. J.-C. et avant

Ce lot a été vendu le 2024-04-18 et n'est plus disponible

Dia.: 16 cm (the largest)
Dia.: 6,3 cm (the smallest)

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Het Magazijn, Ghent, Belgium, according to the owner's inventory notes. 

Condition: (UV-checked)
- All jades in very good condition, with some normal wear and a few flakes or chips to the rim.

- 整體品相非常良好,正常磨損,個別有飛皮。



Adjudication frais incl.: € 1.657,50