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Collection variée en porcelaine de Chine famille rose et verte, 18/19ème

Ce lot a été vendu le 2024-04-18 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 27 cm (the hat stand)
Dia.: 23 cm (the largest plate)
Dia.: 21,2 cm (the smallest plate) 
H.: 21,3 cm (the vases)
L.: 17 cm - H.: 13 cm  (the tea pot)
Dia.: 13 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 8,8 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the cups)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot with a baking spot to the spout and the handle, a hairline and chip to the connection between the handle and the body of the teapot.
- The hat stand with a few small flakes, glaze loss and a tension line to the inner rim. A hairline of ca. 15 cm in the middle and a star-shaped hairline to the base.
- Both ‘gu’ vases with a few small flakes and typical glaze loss to the rim and edges.
- One cup excellent, one cup with two hairlines to the rim.
- The Canton saucer with a hairline and a restored chip.
- The famille verte saucer with a hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim.
- The famille rose plate with some enamel loss throughout and a chip to the rim.
- The pair of famille rose ‘phoenix’ plate excellent.
- The famille rose ‘rooster’ plate with a flake to the rim and the foot rim.
- The famille rose ‘fish and crane’ plate with a few small flakes to the rim.
- The first ‘squirrel’ plate excellent, the second ‘squirrel’ plate with a chip and hairline to the rim.
- The famille rose ‘floral’ plate with a break reglued and two hairlines restored to the rim.
- The famille rose ‘figure’ plate with a break reglued and a few refilled chips to the rim.

- 茶壺蓋子口沿一處飛皮修復,蓋鈕剝釉,壺嘴和壺柄各一處爆釉,壺柄下方與壺身連接處一條沖線和一個小飛皮。
- 帽筒口沿內側幾個飛皮和剝釉加一個重皮,筒身一條15釐米沖線,炸底。
- 一對花轂口沿和側邊多處飛皮和剝釉修復。
- 一支杯子的口沿處有兩條沖線,另一支杯子全品。
- 廣彩小盤口沿一處2釐米沖線,一處掉粘。
- 五彩小盤口沿處一條3釐米沖線。
- 粉彩花卉盤局部脫彩,口沿一處小飛皮。
- 一對粉彩鳳凰花卉盤全品。
- 粉彩公雞盤口沿和底足各一個小飛皮。
- 魚鶴粉彩描金盤局部脫金,口沿兩處小飛皮加多個螞蟻咬。
- 一對粉彩松鼠花卉盤,一支全品,一支口沿一處磕沖。
- 五彩花卉盤口沿一處掉粘噴漆修復,兩處沖線噴漆修復。
- 粉彩人物盤口沿一處掉粘噴漆修復,幾處飛皮修復,盤內折沿處一條驚釉。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 4.335