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Vase de forme 'zun' en bronze à décor de taotie, Chine, Ming

Ce lot a été vendu le 2024-04-18 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 46,5 cm

Weight: 5686 grams

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a nice patina and normal superficial wear.
- The interior of the neck with some superficial casting flaws, invisible from the outside.
- The top rim lacking a small piece of replacement.

- 整體品相非常良好,表面包漿渾厚,幾處正常磨損和磕碰痕跡,口沿內側幾處鑄造缺陷和磕碰痕跡,口沿一處小補銅,已脫落,封底缺失。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 2.167,50