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Dia.: 94 cm - H.: 43,5 cm (the table)
Dia.: 88 cm (the enamel set)
Dim.: 32 x 18 cm (the largest tray)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The gilt-lacquered wooden table with some normal wear and a few small superficial chips to the rim and edges.
- One biggest plate in very good condition, the rest with some typical enamel loss.
- All medium plates with some typical enamel loss.
- Five smallest plates in very good condition, three with some typical enamel loss.
- The rond plate in very good condition.
- 整体品相非常完好。
- 一个最大的盘子品相非常良好,其余七个都有一些剥釉。
- 中号的盘子都有一些剥釉。
- 五个小号的盘子品相非常良好,三个有剥釉。
- 圆形的盘子品相非常良好。