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Een messing knoopkandelaar met vijf platte knopen, Zuidelijke Nederlanden, wellicht 16e eeuw

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 29 cm

Ref.: Kunstpatrimonium van West-Vlaanderen - Damme (ISBN 9789020900705), no. 184, for a similar example. The caption reads 'Candlestick, copper (?), h. 29 cm, ca. 1500. Round foot on which the dripping pan (well) rests. Narrow stem with five flat knots. Candle holder with small dripping pan. This candlestick is no longer present in the church.

- Generally in very good condition.
- The upper rim slightly deformed.
- Some pitting to the well.
- Minor superficial staining as visible.

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 2.040,00