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Een paar Chinese blauw-witte vazen en vier zoutvaten in blauw-wit, famille rose en Imari-stijl, Kangxi/Qianlong

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 13,8 cm (the vases)
H.: 6 cm (the Imari-style salt)
H.: 4 cm (the famille rose salt)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases excellent.
- The first salt excellent, with some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- The second salt with some typical glaze loss to the rim and two chips.
- The third salt excellent, with some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- The fourth salt broken and reglued.

- 一對花瓶全品,只在一隻花瓶的底足下方有幾個小剝釉。
- 第一個鹽盞全品,口沿下一圈幾處典型剝釉。
- 第四個鹽盞整體拼粘。

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 828,75