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Vier Chinese blauw-witte schotels met floraal decor, Kangxi/Yongzheng

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 36,5 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 34,5 cm (the gilt dish)
Dia.: 27 cm (the smallest dish)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest dish in very good condition, with a few chips and some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- The gilt-decorated blue and white dish in excellent condition, with some superficial crazing on front.
- The pair of blue and white plates with a hairline and a chip to the rim.

- 最大的盘子品相良好,口沿典型剥釉和飞皮。
- 青花描金盘子全品,正面龟裂,不透。
- 一对青花盘子口沿有飞冲。