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Een uitzonderlijke Chinese blauw-witte knoflookhalsvaas met mythische dieren op houten sokkel, Kangxi merk en periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 23 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 21 cm (the vase)

- The collection of Galerie Beauté Chinoise, Paris, France
- Acquired from Gros & Delettrez, Paris, June 21, 2017, lot 86. (sold Euro 102.400) (the original invoice is available)

Ref.: Christie's, Hong Kong, Nov. 28, 2006, lot 1536, for a quasi identical example. (sold HKD 2.024.000) (link)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with a tiny superficial flake to the rim.
- A few minor superficial flakes above the base rim.
- A few small baking spots in the middle.

- 近乎全品,口沿一個極小飛皮。
- 圈足上側幾處小飛皮。
- 側面幾處縮釉。