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Een paar grote Chinese achthoekige cloisonné 'bianhu' vazen, Qianlong/Jiaqing

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 55 cm

Provenance: The collection of Galerie Beauté Chinoise, Paris, France

 Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and baking spots throughout. A spot of glaze loss to the lower corner.
- The second vase generally in good condition, with some normal wear and baking spots throughout. A section restored of ca. 8 x 4 cm to the lower corner and a section restored of ca. 12 x 6 cm just above the base rim.

- 第一個抱月瓶整體品相非常良好,正常磨損和縮釉。下側角落一處剝釉。
- 第二個抱月瓶整體品相良好,正常磨損和縮釉。下側角落一處修復約 8 x 4 釐米,圈足上側一處修復約 12 x 6 釐米。