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Een paar Chinese monochrome geel geglazuurde schotels met anhua decor van pijnbomen en kraanvogels, Yongzheng merk en periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 13,4 cm

Provenance: A British private collection.

Ref.: Sotheby's, New York, Sept. 19, 2023, lot 701, for an almost identical example. (sold USD 38.100) (link)

 Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left saucer with a reglued break of ca. 6 x 2 cm and a tight hairline of ca. 1 cm to the rim.
- The right saucer was broken in two pieces, then reglued.

- 左邊的碟子口沿一處掉粘約 6 x 2 釐米和一條衝線約 1 釐米。
- 右邊的碟子裂兩半,後粘合。