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Een Chinees famille rose kaststel van vijf vazen met floraal decor op capucijnbruine fondkleur, Qianlong

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 29 cm (the vases incl. cover)
H.: 24 cm  (the beaker vases)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- (1) The vase with two breaks restored to the rim, a few superficial chips to the base rim.
- (2) The vase with the rim and foot rim partly oversprayed, the cover excellent.
- (3) The vase with a hairline to the rim and in the middle, a few chips to the foot rim. The cover with two spots of glaze loss to the finial, and a chip restored to the rim.
- (4) The vase with two chips to the foot rim. The cover with the rim and finial oversprayed.
- (5) The vase with a break reglued to the rim, a few chips to the foot rim.

- 左邊第一個花瓶口沿兩處碎粘,底足下部幾處小飛皮。
- 右邊第一個花瓶口碎粘,底足幾處飛皮和噴漆痕跡,應該是飛皮修復。
- 左邊第一個罐子口沿和底足有修復痕跡,  盖子全。
- 中間的罐子口沿和腹部各一條沖線,底足幾處飛皮,蓋鈕兩處剝釉,蓋子邊沿一處修復。
- 右邊的罐子底足上兩處飛皮,蓋鈕和蓋子邊沿有噴漆痕跡,應該是剝釉飛皮修復。


Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 892,50