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Een paar Chinese famille rose 'Hehe Erxian' schotels, Yongzheng/Qianlong

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-04-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 38,5 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The first dish with two retouched hairlines to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- The second dish broken in 3 or 4 pieces, then restored, with related overspraying and overpainting.

- 第一個盤子口沿兩條修復的衝線,有相關的噴漆和復繪痕跡。
- 第二個盤子破裂成3至4塊,後粘合修復,有相關的噴漆和復繪痕跡。