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Een Egyptisch houten dodenmasker en een zandstenen hoofd, Late Tijd en Saïtische periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-06-30 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 27,5 cm (the wooden sarcophagus mask, incl. stand)
H.: 22,5 cm (the wooden mask)
H.: 15 cm (the stone head, excl. stand)

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The stone head acquired from Michel Cohen, Paris, France, in August 2001, accompanied by the original invoice and his certificate.
- The wooden mask acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in February 2000, accompanied by his certificate and an older related document.

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 1.530