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Een Chinese verte biscuit figuur van Longwang, Kangxi

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-12-14 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 21 cm

Longwang is the Dragon King, also known as the Dragon God. He is a Chinese water and weather god, regarded as the dispenser of rain, commanding over all bodies of water. He is the collective personification of the ancient concept of the lóng in Chinese culture.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a well-preserved fresh and shiny glaze.
- Typical minor baking flaws throughout.
- A tight baking line is visible running down from the beard across the chest, to the figure's right side from the viewer's perspective.

- 整体品相非常良好,釉面十分明亮。
- 几处小的窑伤和窑缝。
- 一条窑线从右侧胡子下边一直延伸至袖子上。

Geschat: € 2500 - € 5000