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Een Chinese ruitvormige 'Vier Edellieden' vaas in Canton email, Qianlong merk en periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-12-14 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 30 cm

- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired from Christie's, South Kensington, in the 1990's. (by repute)

Ref.: In Chinese art, the Four Gentlemen or Four Noble Ones (Chinese: 四君子; pinyin: Sì Jūnzǐ) is a collective term referring to four plants: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum.The term compares the four plants to Confucian junzi, or gentlemen. They are commonly depicted in bird and flower paintings, a broad category of classical Chinese art, and they are particularly popular subjects for ink and wash painting. 

 Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few typical tension lines on the inside of the rim and to the base.
- A few minor baking flaws between the bronze edge and enamel.

- 近乎全品,底面和口沿内侧几条典型的裂纹。
- 铜侧边和珐琅釉之间有一些窑伤,比如爆釉。

Geschat: € 4000 - € 8000