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Een Chinese blauw-witte 'lotusvijver' vaas, Jiajing merk en wellicht periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-12-14 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 21,5 cm (incl. the wooden cover)
H.: 19 cm (the vase)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar with a vertical hairline of ca. 8 cm on the inside, partly visible on the outside.
- A hairline of ca. 3 cm and a section oversprayed to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- The wooden cover with a reglued break.

- 罐子内一条冲线约 8 厘米,外侧部分可见。
- 罐口一条约 3 厘米的冲线和一处喷漆痕迹,可能是修补一个飞皮。
- 木质盖子一处破裂,后粘合。

Geschat: € 1500 - € 2500