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Een Chinees exportporseleinen 'South Sea Bubble' bord met de harlekijn uit de commedia dell'arte, Kangxi/Yongzheng

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 21 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a small superficial flake to the rim, and the rim slightly polished.
- A minor superficial chip to the inner base rim.

- 整体品相非常良好,口沿小飞,口沿轻微磨口。
- 圈足内侧一个飞皮。

- Francois et Nicole Hervouet: La Porcelaine Des Compagnies Des Indes A Decor Occidental,1986, pages 216 and 217, for a complete set of six Chinese export plates of this group, Série 'B', the rarest set without inscriptions.

- The collection of a Belgian industralist family.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, May 26, 2020, lot 510. (sold EUR 3.825) (link)
- A Portuguese private collection.

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 3.315,00