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Een zeldzaam Chinees blauw-wit 'Xi Xiang Ji' bord met een gedeelte van een gedicht, Jiajing merk, Transitie periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 18,5 cm - H.: 4,7 cm

Provenance: A Dutch private collection.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a baking line of ca. 2 cm to the rim under the glaze. And a star-shaped baking line of ca. 8 mm under the glaze as well located at the left tree's branches.
- A minor flake to the rim.
- Download a short video here: (link)

- 近乎全品,口沿一条釉下窑线,长约 2 厘米。(非冲线)
- 另外一个釉下鸡爪在左侧树枝位置。(非冲线) 
- 口沿一个极小飞皮。

Here we see the main character from the 'Romance of the Western Chamber', Cui Yingying (崔莺莺), together with her maid Hongniang (红娘).
On the right handside, an inscription reveals a part of a poem: '幾回欲撲展齊纨 飛入錦香叢裡教我尋不見'.
This freely translates to: 'More than once have I wanted to pounce and spread my wings, flying into the fragrant bushes, but I couldn't find them.'
This poetically describes the efforts made, in vain, by the young girl, trying to escape her expected role and her mother's watchful eye.

Hongniang, being Yingying's maid, has made every effort to bring together Yingying and Zhang Sheng (张生). The resourceful maidservant is so prominent in the story, that she evolves from a supporting role to an indispensable main character, becoming the synonym of marriage matchmaker in Chinese culture. In some local versions, the pla is even named by her name and the story itself is only slightly changed. 

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 35.700