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Een Chinese onderglazuur blauwe en overglazuur gele 'draken' schotel, Qianlong merk en periode

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-10-12 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 25 cm

- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired in a Brussels antiques shop, ca. 2000. (by repute)

- Christie's, New York, Sep. 14, 2012, lot 1489, for a similar example. (sold USD 56.250) (link)
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, April 8, 2011, lot 3142, for a similar example. (sold HKD 1.220.000) (link)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some glaze loss throughout.
- The plate with two refilled chips to the rim, and a related tight hairline of ca. 4 cm just below one chip, with related overspraying and overpainting around.

- 多处剥釉。
- 盘口沿两处修补的飞皮,其中一个飞皮下侧连接一条冲线,长约 4 厘米。周围一些喷漆和复绘痕迹。

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 10.837,50