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Een zeldzame bronzen 'wildeman' kandelaar, Vlaanderen of Duitsland, 15/16e eeuw

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-06-30 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 25 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 18 cm (the figure)

Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.

- Generally very good, with some superficial patination as visible. The candle holder probably added later, in all likelihood during the 17th C.

- The Metropolitan Museum, New York, Accession number 1982.60.124, for a related example described as Flemish, 16th C. (link)
- The V&A, London, Accession number M.102-1953, for a related example described as German, 15th C. (link)
- Christie's, London, Nov. 4, 2010, lot 59, for a less elaborate example described as German, possibly Nuremberg, ca. 1500-1520. (link)

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 8.287,50