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Drie houten sculpturen van Christus op de koude steen, Antonius van Egypte en een heilige, 16e eeuw

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-06-30 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 30 cm (the Pensive Christ)
H.: 40 cm (the saint in the middle)
H.: 30,5 cm (Antonius the Great, excl. the stand)

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The Pensive Christ: Southern Germany, walnut with traces of polychromy, acquired from Richard Philp Gallery, London, in March 1980, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The saint: oak, lacking the arms but with the right hand resting on the chest, acquired from La Maison du Roy, Paris, in May 1999. By repute from the collection of Henri Le Sidaner, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The Antonius the Great: oak, mounted on a red velvet stand, acquired from Thierry De Ridder, Paris, in April 2003, and with his certificate of authenticity.