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Een Romeinse terracotta sculptuur van de god Bes en een grotesk mannenhoofdje, ca. 1e eeuw

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-06-30 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 30,5 cm (the Bes sculpture, incl. stand)
H.: 28 cm (the Bes sculpture, excl. stand)
H.: 15,5 cm (the head, incl. stand)
H.: 10 cm (the head)

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The Bes sculpture acquired in November 2013 from Cécile Kerner, Brussels, Belgium, with her certificate of authenticity. Here she states that it was exposed in the exhibition 'Du Nil à l'Escaut', Brussels, 1991, according to a former keeper at the Royal Art & History Museum in Brussels.
- The Bes sculpture previously in the collection of dr. Felix Lauwers, Hoboken, Belgium.
- The grotesque head acquired in February 2000 from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, Belgium, with his certificate of authenticity, and described as Egyptian, from the Roman period.

Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 1.020,00