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Vase de forme 'cong' en porcelaine de Chine en bleu et blanc à décor de grues et de trigrammes, Jiajing/Wanli

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 24 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition.
- With glaze loss, small chips and fritting along the extremities and edges.
- A hairline on the inside of the rim and a vertical hairline to the edge as well.
- Some touch-ups to the edges and corner, probably to cover the flakes and glaze loss.

- 整体品相中等。
- 瓶子角和沿边都有典型剥釉,飞皮。
- 口内一条冲线,侧边一条垂直的冲线。
- 瓶子角和沿边都有喷漆和复绘痕迹,应该是小飞皮和剥釉的修复。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 4.335