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Statuette de Bouddha Shakyamuni en bronze doré, Chine, 15/16ème

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 28,5 cm
Weight: 3926 grams

- An important Dutch private collection.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- A chip to the base rim on the back and with a related short minor crack.
- Lacking three small parts to the finial of the crown.

- 整体品相非常良好,金漆正常磨损。
- 佛像后侧底边一个飞皮和一条相关联的裂痕。
- 宝冠上三个尖端装饰物遗失。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 21.037,50