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Statuette de Yamantaka en bronze doré, Sino-Tibet, probablement 17/18ème

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 30,5 cm - L.: 26,5 cm

Weight: 7,1 kg

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with normal wear, nice patination and some typical superficial dents throughout.
- Lacking the stand and a detachable piece to the Dakini's hand, and probably missing some detachable pieces to the Mahakala's hands.

- 整体品相良好,正常磨损,多处典型轻微凹陷。
- 底座缺失,空行母手上遗失一个配件,大黑天多支手臂上可能遗失几个法器。

- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired on a Paris flea market, ca. 2002. (by repute)