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Plat en porcelaine de Chine en bleu, blanc et rouge de cuivre à décor de poissons et d'un crabe, Kangxi

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

Dia.: 35 cm

- Sotheby's, The Jie Rui Tang collection, New York, March 20, 2018, lot 381. (sold USD 68.750) (link)
- The aforementioned example, published in Marchant, 'Qing Porcelain from Three Private Collections', Oct. 2019.

- The collection of a Frenchman initialled R.S.P., named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur. He was in Beijing from 1910 to 1918 where he assisted in the founding of the Banque de l'Indochine. He meticulously annotated his purchases. This particular piece was acquired in Beijing in March 1913. (see images 3, 4 and 5)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally of very attractive appearance, executed in fine shades of blue and attractive copper red. The sound of the dish intact when tapped.
- A faintly visible ca. 5 cm hairline between 3 and 4 o'clock, showing over ca. 7 cm under UV-light, with another ca. 15 mm hairline showing under UV-light, extending diagonally upwards from the same point on the rim. The rim with a small touch-up, possibly covering a small superficial flake. Some overspraying visible under UV-light on the back, disguising the aforementioned hairline.
- On the underside of the rim, two negligible superficial 1-2 mm spots of roughness to the glaze, hardly worth mentioning.
- The surface with a few minor baking flaws and typical negligible minor superficial wear.

- 青花和釉里红的发色十分艳丽。
- 在盘子的 3 到 4 点钟方向有一条细微的冲线约 7 厘米和一条约 15 毫米的冲线,周围有相应的喷漆痕迹。
- 口沿下两个极小飞皮。
- 盘子正面几处典型爆釉。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 15.937,50