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Grand vase couvert en porcelaine de Chine wucai à décor de l'anniversaire de Guo Ziyi, époque Transition

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 50 cm

Provenance: A Danish private collection.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with some glaze loss around the rim, and three glazelines on the inside, one slightly visible on the outside(only visible under the UV light). And a small section overpainted close to a boy's hand, probably to cover a glazeline.
- The vase generally in very good condition, with some overpainting on the shoulder (on the red door), probably to cover a glaze line or glaze loss and a few glaze loss to the inner rim.

- 盖子口沿一圈典型剥釉,内侧三处惊釉,一条在外侧仅在UV光下可见。男孩手侧边有复绘痕迹,可能是覆盖惊釉。
- 罐子品相非常良好,肩上一些复绘痕迹,可能是覆盖惊釉或者剥釉。罐子口沿内侧几处小剥釉。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 20.400