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L'archive photographique d'Edmond Hegendorfer, ingénieur belge en Chine pour la Compagnie Impériale des Chemins de fer chinois, ca. 1904-1910

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

Dim.: 29 x 22 cm (the largest photo)
Dim.: 133 x 37 cm (the blueprint)
Dim.: 39,5 x 35 cm (the diplomatic document)

The extensive photographic archive mainly covers the construction of railways and bridges across the Yellow River in China.
Captions include cities and provinces such as Honan (Henan), Su Choei (Suzhou), Kaifong, Tsechow, Nanking, ...
Also included is Edmond Frédéric Hegendorfers diplomatic passport, issued in 1910, allowing him free passage on his journey back to Belgium.


Adjudication frais incl.: € 10.200