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Paire de théières ajourées et aux double parois en porcelaine de Chine en bleu et blanc, époque Transition

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 11,5 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both covers in excellent condition with a minor baking crack.
- The first teapot in quasi excellent condition with a superficial chip to the rim on the inside, and a flake to the spout.
- The second teapot in excellent condition, with a burst glaze bubble under the rim and some superficial crazing to the base due to baking.

- 两个盖子都是全品,一处窑裂。
- 第一个茶壶近乎全品,口沿内一个飞皮,流上一个小飞。
- 第二个茶壶全品,口沿下外侧一个爆釉,底上几处窑里带的惊釉。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 7.650,00