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Grand bol en porcelaine de Chine famille rose à décor de la chasse aux renards, Qianlong

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

Dia.: 38,5 - H.: 16,5 cm

The design of the bowl is based on a set of four engravings entitled by Thomas Burford (1710-ca. 1774) after James Seymour (1702-1752) titled:
1: Going to cover (link)
2: The Chace (link
3: Making a cast at a fault (link
4: The death of the fox (link

Added images courtesy of the Yale Center for British Art.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a refilled flake and a hairline of ca. 8 cm to the rim.
- A section oversprayed to the foot rim, probably to recover a chip or a hairline.

- 整体品相良好,口沿一条冲线约 8 厘米和一个修补的小飞皮。
- 圈足一处喷漆,可能是覆盖飞皮或者冲线。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 10.200