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Imposant vase archaïque en bronze incrusté d'or et d'argent sur socle en bois inscrit Tao Xiang 陶湘 et Luo Zhenyu 羅振玉, Chine, Song/Ming

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 57 cm (the vase)
H.: 67,5 cm (incl. the stand)

Weight: 11,3 kg

The inscription on the wooden stand reads:
- Top: Tao Shi She Yuan Cang Qi 陶氏涉園藏器, seal mark Bai Chuan Shu Wu 百川書屋 and Xi Yong Xuan Cang 喜詠軒藏.
- Bottom: 《旅耳壺》器高漢建初尺二尺三寸三分 深二尺八分 腹徑一尺五寸三分 舊器藏東武劉氏燕亭公十士樹梅花館 庚申年孟冬觀於喜詠軒 上虞羅振玉題記.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with very nice patination.
- A few flakes and a casting line to the rim on the inside.
- A few casting flaws to the two handles.
- Three chips to the base rim.
- The wooden stand with a crack line in middle to the base.

- 整体品相良好,包浆自然。
- 口沿几处小飞皮和一条小开裂在内侧,外侧不可见。
- 双耳几处铸造失误。
- 圈足三个飞皮。
- 木质底座的底部有一条木质开裂。

Adjudication frais incl.: € 25.500