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Grand Bouddha en bronze aux traces de dorure, Sino-Tibet, Ming

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-10-12 et n'est plus disponible

H.: 42,5 cm

Weight: 10,5 kg

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Buddha generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear to the gilding and patination.
- Some small typical superficial casting flaws throughout.
- Two baking holes on the back.
- A minor casting flaw resulting in an indentation located above the base rim on the back.

- 佛像整體品相良好,正常使用痕跡,包漿自然,鎏金部分磨損。
- 多處小的鑄造失誤。
- 兩個因鑄造失誤造成的洞孔在佛像背後。
- 背後底邊上方一處由於鑄造失誤造成的凹陷。

Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.