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Trois panneaux en bois sculpté, France et Flandre, 17ème

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-06-30 et n'est plus disponible

Dim.: 66 x 25 cm (the panel depicting Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary)
Dim.: 29 x 52 cm (the panel with the judgement of Salomo)
Dim.: 30 x 44 cm (the panel with Joseph, Mary and Jesus)

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The panel depicting Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary acquired from Müller, antiques dealer, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, in November 1992, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The panel with the judgement of Salomo acquired from Wilmès, antiques dealer, Paris, France in August 1988, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The panel with Joseph, Mary and Jesus acquired from the Marché Serpette, Paris, France in August 1988, according to the owner's inventory notes.

Adjudication frais incl.: € 1.083,75