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Trois noix de coco sculptés, Guyane, 18/19ème

Ce lot a été vendu le 2023-06-30 et n'est plus disponible

Dim.: 12,5 x 9,5 cm (the full carved coconut)
L.: 15 cm - H.: 5 cm (the largest semi-coconut)

Often referred to as originating from Cayenne, carved by native Americans or Indians, the zoomorph carvings sometimes described as bears.

- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The halve coconut (possibly a taste vin) with mother-of-pearl inlay acquired from Le Ribas, antiques dealer, Anduze, France, in April 1979, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The full coconut with mother-of-pearl inlay acquired from Le Ribas, antiques dealer, Anduze, France, in April 1979, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The halve coconut (possibly a taste vin) with ornamental design acquired at L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France, in April 1996, according to the owner's inventory notes.

Adjudication frais incl.: € 637,50