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A Chinese blue and white 'Xi Xiang Ji' ewer and cover, Xuande mark, Kangxi

This lot was sold on 2023-06-28 and is no longer available

H.: 18,5 cm - L.: 12 cm

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a chip under the rim and to the base rim, and a tight circular glaze line under the finial.
- The ewer with the rim of the spout, the rim and the handle oversprayed, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.

- 盖子近乎全品,口沿下次和底边都有一个飞皮,盖钮下一条惊釉。
- 水注的流尖,口沿和手柄都有喷漆痕迹,但是因为材料的特性,具体修复尺寸不可测定。