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Chinese school, after Giuseppe Castiglione 郎世寧 (1688-1766): '100 horses', handscroll, ink and colour on paper, 18/19th C.

This lot was sold on 2023-10-12 and is no longer available

Dim.: 1167 x 39,5 cm (including the mount)
Dim.: 333 x 34 cm (the painting)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and a yellow spot.
- Two cracks to the both sides of the connection between the painting and the silk mount.

- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和一个黄斑。
- 画的左右两侧的丝质装裱有开裂。

- A South German private collection.
- Acquired at Koller, Zurich, June 04, 2019, lot 283. (Sold CHF 53.980) (link)
- The collection of Jurgen Fischer, Ascona, author of Chinesische Kunst - ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Sammelgebiete.
- Sold at Koller, Zurich, May 16, 1987, lot 484.

- Illustrated in J.L. Fischer, Chinesische Kunst - ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Sammelgebiete, 1997, p.42.
- Exhibited: Schätze für den Kaiser - Meisterwerke Chinesischer Kunst, Roemer und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Germany, Nov. 2015-Dec. 2016.
- The slightly larger original scroll by Giuseppe Castiglione is in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.
- A similar but also smaller scroll which refers to the original is by Ignatius Sichelbart (Ai Qimeng, 1708-1780), exhibited in the Tianjin Museum.