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A Chinese four-fold wooden room divider with famille rose 'Romance of the Western Chamber' plaques, Republic

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-12-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dim.: 184,7 x 170 cm (total size of the screen)
Dim.: 184,7 x 42,5 cm (each wooden panel)
Dim.: 17 x 27 cm (each fan-shaped plaque)
Dim.: 20,5 x 27 cm (each quadrifoil plaque)
Dia.: 24,4 cm (each round plaque)
Dim.: 19,5 x 19,5 cm (each square plaque)

- All porcelain plaques in excellent condition, with some normal superficial wear.
- The wooden structure generally in very good condition, with some normal superficial wear.

- 所有瓷板都是全品,正常磨損痕跡。
- 木屏風品相良好,正常磨損痕跡。
Geschat: € 12000 - € 18000