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A Chinese wucai vase and seven blue and white jarlets, 19th C.

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-12-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

H.: 26,1 cm (the wucai vase)
H.: 14,4 cm (the tallest jarlet incl. cover)
H.: 8 cm (the smallest jarlet incl. cover)

- The Wucai vase with a star-shaped hairline from the body and on the bottom, and a related hairline from the bottom and extending upwards to the shoulder.
- The largest prunus jarlet is generally in good condition, with two small superficial chips to the rim and a star-shaped hairline to the body.
- The slightly smaller prunus jarlet is generally in good condition, with a circular hairline from the rim.
- The smallest prunus jarlet is generally in good condition, with a small superficial chip and a hairline to the rim.
- The other two prunus jarlets are both in excellent condition.
- Both "hundred boys" jarlets are in excellent condition, one cover with a hairline, and the other with a reglued break.

- 五彩罐子有一處炸肚,底部有一處炸底,並有一條與之相關聯的衝線向上延伸至肩部。
- 最大的冰梅罐整體品相良好,口沿有兩個小飛皮,一處炸肚。
- 稍小的冰梅罐整體品相良好,口沿有一處重皮。
- 最小的冰梅罐整體品相良好,口沿有一處小飛皮和一條衝線。
- 其餘兩個冰梅罐皆全品。
- 兩個百子罐皆全品,一個蓋子有一條衝線,另一個蓋子碎粘。
Geschat: € 400 - € 800