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A fine Chinese yellow Peking glass bowl and cover, Qianlong mark and of the period

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2024-12-18 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 10,1 cm - H.: 10,3 cm 

- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Hindman Auctions, Chicago, USA, Sep. 24, 2019, lot 296. (sold USD 32.500) (link)
- Bonhams, San Francisco, USA, June 24, 2013, lot 1143. (sold USD 47.500) (link)
- The estate of George H. Taber, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by descent.
- Exhibited on loan at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from the early 1930's until 1940.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in excellent condition.
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to a lotus petal.

- 盖碗全品。
- 盖子近乎全品,莲花叶子一个小飞皮。
Geschat: € 10000 - € 20000