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Dia.: 38,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Quasi excellent, with a few typical small chips along the rim, the most disturbing at ca. 1 o'clock.
- A rim chip at ca. 10 o'clock filled.
- The glaze very bright and fresh, a truly exceptionally well preserved example.
- A very closely related example, likely from the same hand, but with the more commonly found scalloped and barbed blue-ground border is with Aronson Antiquairs, inv. no. D1023. (link)
- Another example with the above-described border showing the Sacrifice of Abraham is in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Object number BK-1958-33. (link)
- Five (partial) smaller examples with biblical scenes combined with a floral scroll pattern on the rim, were found in Enkhuizen in 2018. (link)