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12 Chinese capucin-ground wares, Yongzheng/Qianlong

Ce lot a été vendu le 2024-12-18 et n'est plus disponible

Dia.: 22,5 cm (the plates)
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 7,3 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 12,5 cm - H.: 13,3 cm (the largest covered bowl)
Dia.: 10,8 cm - H.: 11,5 cm (the smallest covered bowl)
L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 12,7 cm (the teapot incl. cover)
L.: 9,9 cm - H.: 15,6 cm (the milk jug)
Dia.: 12,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 7,8 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the largest cup)
Dia.: 7,5 cm - H.: 4,4 cm (the smallest cup)

Rapport d'état:
- The teapot is in excellent condition, with minor normal superficial wear.
- The milk jug is in excellent condition, with minor normal superficial wear.
- One plate with a glazeline on the base, invisible from the front. Another plate with two restored breaks and a restored hairline from the rim.
- The bowl's rim with a Y-shaped hairline.
- Three cups are in excellent condition, with minor normal superficial wear. One saucer is in excellent condition, another with a small superficial chip from the rim.
- The smaller covered bowl is in excellent condition, with minor normal superficial wear. The larger covered bowl with a small superficial chip from the rim and a hairline on the cover.

- 茶壺全品,表面自然磨損痕跡。
- 奶壺全品,表面自然磨損痕跡。
- 一個盤子的底部有一條驚釉線,正面不可見。一個盤子的口沿有兩處碎粘修復和一條沖線修復。
- 碗的口沿有一條Y型沖線。
- 三個杯子皆全品,表面自然磨損痕跡。一個碟子全品,另一個碟子的口沿有一個小飛皮。
- 小的蓋罐全品,表面自然磨損痕跡。大的蓋罐的口沿有一個小飛皮,蓋子上有一條沖線。
Estimation: € 600 - € 1200