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A pair of Chinese blue and white soft paste '100 boys' covered jarlets and a seal paste box, Kangxi mark, 19th C.

Ce lot a été vendu le 2024-12-18 et n'est plus disponible

Dia.: 13,7 cm (the seal paste box and cover)
H.: 8,5 cm (the jarlets incl. covers)

Rapport d'état:
- The seal paste box's body is in quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial chip from the rim. The cover is in excellent condition.
- Both jarlets and their covers are in excellent condition, with minor normal superficial wear.

- 印泥盒的盒身近乎全品,口沿有一個小飛皮。蓋子全品。
- 兩個小罐和蓋子皆全品,表面自然磨損痕跡。
Estimation: € 600 - € 1200