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Two Chinese famille rose 'rooster' teapots, a milk jug and four handled cups, Yongzheng


L.: 16 cm - H.: 11,5 cm (the tallest teapot incl. cover)
L.: 16 cm - H.: 11 cm (the smallest teapot incl. cover)
L.: 9,4 cm - H.: 12,1 cm (the milk jug incl. cover)
L.: 7,7 cm - H.: 6,4 cm (the handled cups)

Condition report:
- The largest teapot is in quasi-excellent condition, with a spot of glaze loss to the spout. The cover is in excellent condition.
- The smallest teapot is in quasi-excellent condition, with two small spots of glaze loss to the spout. The cover is in excellent condition.
- The milk jug with a small spot of glaze loss from the top rim, and a hairline located at the connection between the upper part of the handle and the body. The cover with a small chip from the outer rim and a spot of glaze loss on the finial.
- Three cups with some small chips from the rim. One cup with a hairline from the rim, and a hairline located at the connection of the lower part of the handle and the body.

- 最大的茶壺近乎全品,壺口有一處剝釉。蓋子全品。
- 最小的茶壺近乎全品,壺口有兩個小剝釉。蓋子全品。
- 奶壺的口沿有一處小剝釉,手柄上部與壺身連接處有一條沖線。蓋子的邊沿有一處小飛皮,蓋鈕剝釉。
- 三個杯子的口沿有小飛皮,一個杯子的口沿有一條沖線,把手下部與杯身連接處有一條沖線。
Estimate: € 1200 - € 1800