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A Chinese mother-of-pearl-inlaid wooden table screen with silk embroidery, Canton, 19th C.


H.: 76 cm (incl. stand)
Dim.: 35 x 44,5 cm (the silk embroidery)

Condition report:
- The wooden stand generally in very good condition, with some normal superficial wear and some mother-of-pearl losses. A chip from the back side of the slip holder.
- The silk panel generally in good condition, with some splits and a hole to the lower part, due to insect moths.

- 木架子整體品相良好,幾處貝母缺失。插銷的後面有一處磕崩。
- 刺繡整體品相良好,由於蟲蛀,下側有幾處破裂和一個破洞。
Estimate: € 800 - € 1200