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Two ornately carved decorative panels and a niche with an embroidered scene, France, 16/18th C.


Dim.: 56 x 111 cm (the panel with achantus leaves and embroidery )
Dim.: 40 x 71 cm (the gilt Regency panel)
Dim.: 53,5 x 38 cm (the gilt niche)

- From the collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The gilt Regency panel with birds acquired from Vanonkelen in Genolhac, in April 2004, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The wooden sculpted panel with achantus leaves and embroidery acquired from P.P. Bert in Paris, in April 1993, according to the owner's inventory notes. 
- The gilt niche depicting a cleric in prayer acquired from P. Vernaison in Paris, in April 1987, according to the owner's inventory notes.

Estimate: € 400 - € 800