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A Chinese bronze incense set for the Islamic market, 17/18th C.

This lot was sold on 2024-04-18 and is no longer available

H.: 9 cm - Dia.: 13,5 cm (the censer)
H.: 6 cm - Dia.: 10 cm (the box and cover)
H.: 15 cm (the vase)
L.: 24,5 cm (the ruyi-shaped stick)

1705 grams (the censer)
665 grams (the box and cover)
867 grams (the vase)
185 grams (the three sticks)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- The censer with a few superficial dents to the rim.
- The box with a few small chips and two refilled chips to the rim.
- Otherwise good.

- 整體品相非常良好,自然磨損。
- 香爐口沿幾處輕微碰撞凹痕。
- 盒子口沿上有幾處缺陷,其中有兩處飛皮修復。

Price incl. premium: € 3.825,00