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A Chinese Swatow green- and red-enamelled kendi with ornamental design, Ming


H.: 15 cm

Condition report:
- Generally in good condition. The flared rim just below the top has a small superficial chip and a larger one on the underside. Between the spout and the body, there is a bump mark, resulting in a superficial glaze chip with a related tight, short hairline.

- 整體品相良好。頂部下方的喇叭形口沿有一處小的飛皮和一處較大的飛皮。壺嘴和壺身之間有一處撞擊痕跡,導致表面剝釉,並伴隨一條緊密且短的衝線。
Estimate: € 4000 - € 8000